Saturday, August 20, 2005

Oozing pustules and Sugary snacks!

So I learned the hard way that strep throat can actually happen to me. I was under the impression it only happen to other people, people who go to doctors and put up a fuss about stuff like a sore throat. You know, chumps. I finally caved when the glands under my tongue were so large speaking and breathing were difficult, and the nastly white spots on my tonsils were oozing green pus down my throat. It is horrible to choke on your own ooze.

Anyway, after being dosed with foul antibiotics (my guts are soooo miserable right now), I felt up to the big trip South, and am posting from my mom's house. We have already had doughnuts, and are prepping for a trip to Pie Heaven. I have so missed home!

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